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战略管理 战略综合


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  • 课程背景

    Decorate work is always sell at a discount? Arrange things are always close? Give instructions didn't action? This is a big problem executive power!!!! How to improve? The solution is in this course. "Execution" should be to through a set of effective system, system, organization, culture or technical operation method of decision-making and the decision on forming into the ability of the, is a systems engineering. Hold fast the course, make enterprise real executive power!!!!!


    Better effect on execution of work
    Reduce the delaying and omitting on work
    Less waste and disorder
    More perfect construction on system
    Clearer installment on target
    Higher efficient


    一、正确理解“执行力”  Know about the execution correctly
    1. 执行力的定义 The denifinaton of execution
    2. 执行力是分层次 The gradation of execution
    3. 执行力只是下属的事吗?关于执行力的讨论  Is the execution related to staff? 
    4. 执行力强弱有何表现?关于执行力的自我诊断 How strong executive power performance?About the executive power of the self diagnosis
    5. 向执行力最强的组织学习The executive force the strongest organization learning
    二、为什么执行难?Why difficult to execute?
    1. 过分追求完善,简单有效的计划最易执行;Too much perfection, simple and effective plan most easily execution;
    2. 没有绩效考核,或者考核方法出错;No performance assessment, or appraisal methods of error
    3. 企业文化要提倡“做比说更重要”;Enterprise culture to advocate "actions are more important";
    4. 管理的艺术,管理者能否调动员工的积极性;The art of management, managers can mobilize the enthusiasm of the employees
    5. 管理者创新,要不断地改善,改进执行方法。Management innovation, constantly improve, improve the execution method.
    三、执行力体系包括什么 Execution system including?
    1. 企业组织体系与执行力Enterprise organization system and execution
    2. 企业制度体系与执行力 Enterprise system and execution
    3. 企业文化体系与执行力 Enterprise culture system and execution
    4. 企业领导权威与执行力Enterprise leadership authority and execution
    四、中国企业执行力体系建设的思考China enterprise execution system construction of thinking
    1. 执行力大小根本上取决于人的行为Execution fundamentally depends on the size of the behavior of people
    2. 行为规律根本上取决于人的心理与动力结构Behavior rules on human psychology and fundamentally power structure
    3. 目前中国人心理结构的特征及中国社会特点分析At present Chinese psychological structure characteristics and the Chinese social characteristics analysis
    4. 目前中国人行为方式特点解读At present Chinese behavior characteristics the reading
    5. 目前中国人的管理方式的适应性调整与匹配At present Chinese management way adaptability adjustment of and matching
    6. 关于中国企业执行力的人本管理结论 About Chinese enterprise executive humanistic management conclusion
    五、塑造企业的执行文化Build the enterprise's executive culture
    1. 理念决定行动Concept decided to action
    2. 心态决定状态Mentality decided to state
    3. 思路决定出路Ideas decide way out
    4. 方式决定效能Way decision effectiveness
    5.  文化的核心Culture core
    6.  文化塑造过程、步骤Shaping process and procedure. Culture
    六、 提升执行目标的明确性Improve the clarity of the performance targets
    1. 目标的含义及作用Goal of the meaning and function
    2. 目标的决策与定位The decision and localization. Target
    3. 目标的分解与细化Goal of decomposition and refined
    4. 目标的评价与修正Goal evaluation and fixed
    七、养成高效执行的习惯Develop the habit of effective execution
       1.  接受任务:注意倾听,领会意图,抓住重点Accept task: listen, learn intention, get the main point
    2. 懂得做好书面记录Know well written records
    3. 想好方案再请示Want to better plan for instructions again
    4. 及时反馈工作进度和结果:手电筒原则Feedback the work schedule and results: a flashlight principle
    5. 懂得举一反三、灵活运用Know this, flexibility
    6. 主动要求上司反馈和指导,不断提高Ask for the boss feedback and guidance, enhanced unceasingly
    7. 学会计划,做好准备Learn to plan, prepare
    8. 不断总结,持续改进Summarize unceasingly, continuous improvement
     八、 加强执行过程中的有效沟通Strengthen the implementation processes to communicate effectively
    1. 管理者沟通的重要性Managers the importance of communication
    2. 沟通的“九字要诀”The "nine words communication gist"
    3. 如何进行对上沟通与对下沟通How to communicate and to communicate on
    4. 矛盾冲突的处理The processing of conflict
    九、建设卓越的执行团队Construction excellent executive team
    1. “集中优势兵力,打歼灭战”---“群狼出动,战无不胜”"Concentrate superior forces, DaJianMieZhan"-" the wolves, some invincible"
    2. “练好兵才能打好仗”---执行团队精神的培育"Good to play a good battle with"-executive team spirit of the breed
    3. “构筑立体火力攻击系统”---执行团队的协作"Construct three-dimensional fire attack system"-executive team collaboration
    十、 优化执行流程和管理Optimize execution process and management
    1. 优化工作流程Optimization process
    2. 明确工作标准Clear standards
    3. 强化绩效评估Improved performance evaluation
    4. 进行细节管理Detail management
    十一、建立健全有效的执行制度Set up and perfect the effective implementation of the system
    1.  “没有规矩,不成方圆”---必须有章可循"No rules, and no fangyuan"-must be rising
    2. 曹操割发代首---必须依章而行Cao cao cut hair first generation-must be in accordance with the chapter and do it
    3. 孙武“斩美演兵”---必须赏罚分明Sun wu "behead beauty play soldier"-must clear reward
    4. 从“三大纪律六项注意”到“三大纪律八项注意”---必须不断完善规章制度From the "three discipline six attention" to the "three discipline eight note"-must constantly improve the rules
    十二、总结:打造完整的执行系统Conclusion: make complete execution system
    1. 执行的驱动系统:目标管理;Execution of the drive system: the target management;
    2. 执行的职责系统:责、权、利明确;Perform duties system: the responsibility, right and interest of clear;
    3. 执行的检查系统:管理者的跟踪查核;Perform inspection system: managers tracking check;
    4. 执行的考核系统:绩效考核。Execution of the assessment system: performance evaluation.



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